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Google Chrome Mac Ppc Download

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Google Chrome Mac Ppc Download

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Your answer is inappropriate and unhelpful to be quiet frank While it is somewhat honest and should be obvious to the OP, it's unnecessary coming from you.

google chrome

That said, OP, unfortunately many are in your boat Some who bought a PPC mac 4 years ago are finding it impossible to plunk down the funds to get what they need/want today to be able to go to the next level of OSs. 2

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However, the good news is that while Google Chrome may not support PPC, there are many other alternatives that work wonderfully still supporting the PPC platform.. You may be out on your own able to afford such luxuries and still the OP cannot.. But i just wanted to point out thr four year span of buying a computer is ******** generaly you are damn lucky if your computer even LIVES that long every computer i ever bought in a store only lasted a year, two if lucky, before the motherboards failed.. Click to expand That may be easy for you to say You may be a boy living at home fully supported by his parents and the OP may be out in the real world where other things must take priority over buying an intel mac. 3

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Google Chrome for PowerPC (Mac) will be avaible some day? What about google chrome for ppc!!! For more on how this works in Google Chrome for Mac. 773a7aa168 HERE

google chrome update

Click to expand i realize this tread hasnt seen a post in almost 3 years but i just bout my second mac a few days ago a eMac when i had my iMac G3 running years ago it was when Panther was out at that time i had no problems at all finding programs but now that i got my emac for 40 bucks and since Apple decided to leave PowerPC in the dark i have found it is hard to find any programs i have not used Firefox since Version 3 which happens to be the last version supported on PPC macs.. There is really no reason to support a dying platform, unfortunately I have a PPC mac as well that is quickly becoming (if not already) a paperweight. Click